So, nothing is happening with our sunroom yet. We haven't heard anything. We probably won't hear anything until either workmen show up unexpectedly or snow falls. I've taken some photos of of our new deck and sunroom materials, sitting in our yard like toads on a log:

The first photo was taken about a week and a half ago, the second yesterday.
Apart from that, things have been springing up and blooming. I haven't been out in the yard much since we didn't want to disturb our bunny, but since he's wandered off to greener pastures (although I'm not sure where he'll find a backyard with more weeds than ours), I took the opportunity to mow the lawn and take some photos.
The nasturtiums I planted in the barrel out back haven't really leafed out yet, but several have started flowering:

The buds are fat on the peony out back:

The lilac bush beside the house is in full bloom. It smells sweet right by the back door, and I have to brush past it on the way out so I'm always shaking a few tiny flowers out of my helmet when I get to work.

A couple of the tomato plants have started to set fruit. The little Tumbler tomato is covered in little green tomatoes:

The Jet Star has grown up tall, but I haven't been very good at pinching back the side shoots, so it's still in flower. It's supposed to be quite a prolific bearer, though:

And just for fun, a before-and-after of our roasted vegetable disaster.
Yummy vegetables:

Look like yummy vegetables, but are barely on this side of edible:

This week, NB and I are planning our vacation. We're not sure where we're going to go yet, but I think we really need a week away from it all. We were talking about going camping, maybe in Waterton Lakes National Park, but that's probably not going to happen because we don't own any camping equipment. And also because bears are scary. It's more likely that we'll hike somewhere just on the other side of the BC border. We've hit Banff or Jasper for a few years now, and it's starting to become difficult to find short hikes we haven't already done in those areas. We've also been talking about putting a bike rack on the car, though, so we'll have to see where that leads, if it actually happens.