Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sunroom Action

Well, it looks like the contractors have shown up to work on the sunroom. Either that, or strange people are milling around our backyard, stealing building supplies. I might have actual progress photos to post in the near future.


VIof said...

Must be summer - building action here too. This week has been really busy with landscaping. Workers raked loose, soft dirt nice and level with raised areas for plants, and then deer or a deer made pointy deer foot tracks in their nice work. Dirty people are throwing green shaggy stuff on our yard this morning.

We bought an entertainment stand for our new LCD TV, and it was very entertaining when we unpacked it at home. Scratched and broken bits. The Brick offered a $50 refund if we would keep it, but we will exchange it for one in good condition.
Our Strata held its Annual General Meeting yesterday. We elected a new Strata Council, and Angie is now 1 of 7 council members.

I'm going to watch the workers.

Folly said...

The sunroom people said they should be pretty much done today. We'll still have to put some flooring down, but it'll be nice to have the sunroom done again.

If much else has happened, I haven't noticed because I have two projects at work, both of which need to be done soon. One I can only work on at home (windows machines and unix machines and no port-blocking firewalls - no luck at work) and the other produces zillions of meetings on campus.

I'm not surprised you didn't want $50 off instead of a new unit. What does the Brick think you would do with an $XXX piece of furniture that's broken?

Congratulations Mom, on your election :)

Enshie said...

It's stressful to have two big projects coming due. I hope your work doesn't take over your long weekend, so you can relax and recharge your batteries doing something you like to do.

Congratulations on a pretty much finished sunroom!!

Enshie said...

This is a comment on my comment. I have no clue howcome it's signed Enshie. However, that's how all the Dutch folks say my name. Weird.

Whoops. Yes, I do know why. I originally was going to use Enshie as my blogger name. I forgot and the computer remembered. Maybe I'll keep it. I kind of like it.

JCW said...

It's a good name. You should definitely keep it, Enshie.