The Canada Day long weekend has come and gone. NB and I went to the Legislature on Sunday to sit around and watch one of our friends race his bike. We kept trying to figure out which one he was -- it's surprisingly difficult to tell guys in sunglasses and helmets apart when they zoom past you. Eventually we recognized him going by (in the third race we watched), but he only lasted for about 15 minutes before he was lapped and dropped out. In the meantime, we lounged around in the shade and did lazy-people things (like reading and swatting mosquitoes). During one of the races, a rabbit hopped out onto the track right by us. Luckily, the pacing motorcycle scared it back onto the lawn, where it proceeded to have lunch in a bed of petunias.
We waffled about whether to go see the fireworks, but we didn't really feel like riding out again when the evening came.
Yesterday we went to look at floors for the sunroom. We stopped at Home Depot first, where we discovered that they had a couple of shipments of oak hardwood on sale for $3.29 per square foot. We went to look at the laminate, but most of it was more expensive and not as nice-looking as the oak. After looking everything over, including some terrifically ugly lino that was more than $5 per square foot, we decided that the oak was probably our best bet. We bought it in a nice burgundy-cherry sort of finish. We'll see how difficult it is to put it in ourselves -- we bought an extra couple of boxes in case we screw it up badly.
NB has come down with a sore throat, so he's staying home and drinking tea today. It seems to be going around.
Nice burgundy cherry oak laminate sounds better than terrifically ugly lino even if had cost the same. Getting it cheaper is a great bonus!
Keith and Shirley spent the day with us yesterday and we had a really nice visit, mostly walking and eating. We ate a lot of cherries. Cherry season is the best thing ever! While we were sitting out on the deck, a deer ambled by us, munching on yellow wildflowers as it walked.
For the last two evenings, we've heard bullfrogs in the pond (read slough if you're from the prairies) close to us. Neither of us has ever heard them before. We discussed what it was that they sound like, and decided that it was a cross between a pig and a bass fiddle. We were thrilled.
It's only a bonus if NB doesn't nailgun his toes to the floor!
Cherry season sounds delicious. I've been eyeing the cherries in the grocery stores for a couple weeks, but they're still on the expensive side.
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