Monday, June 18, 2007

Pork was a success! It turns out the roast we got (from M&M) was pre-seasoned, so it was a bit salty even after washing, but it was overall a tasty supper. There are just enough leftovers for pork sandwiches for supper today.

One poker competition (computer versus computer, part of the AAAI conference) is now finished. More specifically, I guess we're finished with it. We've submitted our entry, and now we just have to wait for a month of computation to find out how we do. Waiting this long would be less of an issue if it hadn't turned out there was a bug at the last minute, despite all the testing we did. I had to make a last minute change, and now I get to worry for a month that the change broke something else. Oh well. Other than that, I think our chances are good to repeat last years sweep of the competitions, if not last year's crushing victories. Now we just have to work on the Vancouver man machine poker competition.


VIof said...

Hey - maybe you will get a trip to VR. Maybe you would hop over to Van Isle or we could go to VR to meet you for supper.

I went to the Poker Championship page and there you were, in the group picture of the computer team.

Good luck in the VR competition, and stop worrying about whether you broke anything with the last minute change. Even if you did, worrying about it doesn't change anything.


Enshie said...

Big news! We saw our first impressive slug today! Of course, Buddy found it. It was big and fat and very black. Also very pretty. It had a big shiny black hood and the rest of him was frosted black. He also was waving his antennae around. Cool.

Folly said...

We no have preliminary results, so we know we had no bug, but we already know we lost (came in second) in the no-limit competition. Things look good for winning the limit competition though.

JCW said...

Yay! Slugs! You must send us a photo!